Nate knows tired.

It is Peanut Butter Jelly time.


Politically correct holidays


Note: The following is said deliberately to show how silly America has become with being politically correct. It is not my true opinion.

Well, since there is big controversy over whether or not to say Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, I was thinking about how we should accommodate all the minority thinkers in this country:

1. if we can't say "Merry Christmas", then we shouldn't say "Happy Chanukah" (spelling) or "Happy Kwanza"..We don't want to offend those who aren't Jewish or African.

2. All "Holidays" shouldn't be called by their name. Example:

A. Easter should be "Holiday egg hunt" instead of "Easter egg hunt"

B. Memorial day shouldn't be for those who died in war; should be dedicated to all Americans who have died in history, including all deaths other than war. We don't want to offend anti-war activists!

C. Independence Day should be "Firework holiday", and should be just a party day. We don't want to offend those who hate America!

D. Labor Day should be eliminated all together. We don't want to offend those who don't work! It's not fair that the jobless don't get their own holiday!

E. Columbus Day should be eliminated all together. After all, Chris Columbus DELIBERATELY infected the natives with disease! We don't want to offend the people of the Caribbean for their family members who died FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS AGO!

F. Veterans Day should be eliminated as well. We don't want to offend anti-war activists!

G. Thanksgiving should be eliminated, because we can't even decided on how or why it started!

Hope I didn't offend anyone "Happy Holidays"

My good friend phxSS made that.


Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returns to its' vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

About me

  • I'm Nathaniel R. Gnau
  • From St.Louis, Missouri, United States
  • I'm 18. Not much to look at,Though. Plus, That's not the best Pic of me. I'm a Methodist, Biker, And a Law-Abiding Gun Owner.
  • My profile

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ATOM 0.3

How to make a Nathaniel Gnau
5 parts anger
5 parts ambition
3 parts instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

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